Friday, August 24, 2012


5 rounds max reps
205 bench, strict pullups

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Strength Foundations

Based on our chat I think incorporating a mix of two weightlifting programs (Rippetoe's STARTING STRENGTH and Wendler's 5/3/1) would be a great way for you to incorporate a balance of strength and cross-training components to lean down.  I still use a mix of these programs today and continue to see gains (strength, size, and leanness) without injury.  

My recommendation would be for you to commit 4 to 6 weeks on the program below.  

Before I get into it, the one main variance compared to what you're doing today is that it doesn't incorporate any "cardio" in the form of jogging.  You currently use running to get cardio and burn calories.  If you do these workouts the right way you will get your "cardio" and burn more calories but get the upside of building muscle and releasing beneficial hormones (HGH) that don't release from cardio.  It's a two-for-one special.  Plus, jogging will increase body stress and increase likelihood for injury.  

Just try something different for the 4-6 weeks and if it doesn't work then you can always go back to your current harm in giving it a shot.  So here's the workout plan. 

Workout 1
Strength Exercise
3 sets of 5 reps (weight TBD)
FOCUS: Deep depth and knees apart.  Avoid shifting your body weight to toes at bottom and think about driving through your heels. 

Assistant Exercises
5 rounds of 20 reps alternating between the two exercises

Workout 2
Strength Exercise
3 sets of 5 reps (weight TBD)
FOCUS: Elbows in front. Clear the head and poke head back through to push full extension.

Assistant Exercises
5 rounds of 15 reps alternating between the two exercises
Pullups & Dips

Workout 3
Strength Exercise
3 sets of 3 reps (weight TBD)
FOCUS: Think the reverse and repeat coming up...1. Solid back (flex abs to stabilize), 2. Ass out, 3. Drag bar down thigh, 4. Past knees then lower with legs.  Pick up in reverse order...Legs first, then once bar crosses knees extend the back. 

Assistant Exercises
5 rounds of 15 reps alternating between the two exercises

Workout 4
Strength Exercise
3 sets of 5 reps (weight TBD)

Assistant Exercises
5 rounds of 15 reps alternating between the two exercises
Pullups & Pushups

The weights are TBD because the goal is to keep adding weight every time you do that exercise.  The first time you do each of these refrain from adding more weight to get to failure, instead, just follow the plan and add more weight the next time you do that's a slower progression but it is the smart and safe way to do it.  Trust me. 

The key is to rest at least one day between is the recovery that makes you stronger and keeps your joints happy.  You should also focus on walking more if you can.  It's by far the best exercise to stabilize energy utilization. 

Oh, and the FINAL two pieces of advice...EAT WELL and SLEEP.  These are critical and #1 before any workout plan routine.  I recommend cutting out any pasta, bread, cereal and oatmeal (even whole grains.)  Instead eat more meat, veggies, fruit and nuts. Sleep at least 8 hours...go to bed early. 

Give me a call if you have any questions.  I hope you do decide to give this a shot if even for 1-month...what's there to lose by trying something different.  I think you'll have fun seeing the gains in strength and body composition and your overall energy levels.  And I'm happy to let you use the gym at the crib if you want. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012


Floor wipers

Doubleunders and jump rope

Friday, August 3, 2012

Wednesday, August 1, 2012