Thursday, June 30, 2011



First half deadlift
295 5-5

Clean and Jerk
185 3-3-3




Front squat
185 5-5-5

Push press
175 3
155 3
165 3

3 rounds
10 pullups
10 dips
10 situps

Thursday, June 23, 2011



205 Max reps two sets: 9-5

330 3-3-3

11 pullups

Wednesday, June 22, 2011



High bar back squat
205 5-5-14

Clean and Jerk
175 3-3-3

Friday, June 17, 2011

Tuesday, June 14, 2011



255 5x5x5

215 5x5x5

2 rounds
10 pullups
15 pushups
10 toes to bar


Medley testing bumpers

Squat 185
High bar squats 185
Front squat 185
Deadlift 295
Sumo deadlift 295
Clean and jerk 135
Press 135
Push press 135
Bench 185
Pullups x15

Friday, June 10, 2011

Workout Plan

Choose one from A, B and C (except for Sprint/Crossfit day when you just do that)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Paleo is Dead Last in Diet Showdown

It's almost comedic how terrible the investigative work was in a piece published by US News and World, especially around researching the Paleo diet benefits and drawbacks. Here's the link to the blog post by Robb Wolf that includes the story links and a retort by Dr. Loren Cordain.

All I can say is, if you don't trust the Paleo research, then try it (or any of the other 20 diets in the lineup) and see how you feel. It isn't until you see the results for yourself that you will ever stick with a particular diet and evangelize it. The unfortunate part is that sometimes after doing some of these diets for an extended period of time - cough, vegetarian, cough - you can create irreversible bodily damage due to nutrient deprivation and unintentional poisoning (I'm looking at you, SOY.)

All I can see through all of this nonsense is a need for better nutritional research, that's the only way traction will be made to "convince" any doubters. And, hell, maybe it's not Paleo...but I so far it's been the most logical (and clinically) well supported diet philosophy out there.


Monday, June 6, 2011

Diet Summary Email

* picture from

Through the last couple years of doing this Paleo "diet" I must have sent a variation of about a dozen different emails explaining the foundations of what to eat and a little of why. To make things easier I want to post those instructions on the blog to make the reference a bit easier and hopefully make it a public resource for other folks to find and follow.

Bottom line is...EAT. REAL. FOOD (mainly meat and veggies.)

Easy enough, right?


Cliff notes:

- eat a lot of veggies (NO potatoes and NO corn, but go ahead and eat as many avocados as you want)

- eat a lot of protein (ANY kind of meat; fish, chicken, ribs, burgers, red-meat, doesn't matter. Don't worry about fat/saturated fat/cholesterol content; I can give evidence why if you have time to talk)

- eat healthy oils (olive, coconut and have started cooking with bacon fat...yes, bacon fat is healthy and MUCH healthier than your vegetable oils)

- eat some fruit (not too much if you're trying to lose fat)

- do NOT eat any bread, pasta or grains (includes all of those "healthy" whole grain breads, pastas and's all just sugar in the end and refined carbs/gluten cause a TON of digestive and metabolic issues [if you're worried about fiber intake, you'll get plenty of fiber from your veggies])

- do NOT eat dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt)

- do NOT eat beans (or peanuts)

- do NOT eat soy (this stuff is SUPER problematic)

- stay away from ALL sugar/sweeteners especially High-Fructose-Corn-Syrup

- do NOT drink soda (including diet soda...sparking/mineral/seltzer water is ok)

- try to stay away from anything in a wrapper (protein bars, meal replacement bars, junk that has more than 4 ingredients)

- stay away from booze for the time being. If you need a drink I recommend sticking with clear alcohols (definitely do NOT drink beer...see "do NOT eat grains" note above)

- exercise: 20-30min of cross-training weight exercises 3-4 days a week is sufficient for impactful gains (I recommend weights over cardio as muscle burns more fat and those exercises yield return greater returns in hormones and favorable blood composition...the more barbell in your exercises [bench, squat, deadlift, shoulder press...and pullups too] the better). Cardio leads to increased stress hormones and appetite that will make you want to eat more, and, in most cases, over-compensate for the calorie burning you just had in your workout.

- sleep as much as you can (8 hours or more)

- take fish oil supplements: 3g/day (it looks like a lot but worth it given the imbalance in omega-3 [EPA/DHA kind, not the stuff coming from flaxseed] in our modern can get 'em at Costco or buy the actual oil [I'd recommend a flavored version] from GNC to save on costs)

- take vitamin D supplements

- take Magnesium supplements before you go to bed

This program is much easier than it sounds and in it's simplest form is "eat real food." This includes any delicious meat you have been told to stay away from. You can eat as much as you want of the "approved" foods so you don't have to ration yourself and feel hungry (fats and proteins make you feel fuller longer and help promote your body to use your stored fat as an energy source).

NOTE: about 2 weeks into this your body might feel VERY hungry and crave carbs; resist as your body's getting adjusted to using its fat as a fuel source. If you find yourself getting hungry then eat more protein/fat (don't worry about fat/cholesterol's a myth that those will get you fat and raise levels of "bad" blood indicators, the main issue is cutting out the problematic foods that humans aren't used to eating [refined carbs, gluten, hydrogenated oils, etc] as THESE are the true sources of coronary heart disease, diabetes and a slew of metabolic syndrome issues; your blood work will support that fact.)

The only discipline this takes is to have enough prepared foods available to not make the cooking a barrier of entry. My recommendation is to take a few hours on a Saturday or Sunday and cook up a storm; tons of meats, veggies and sort it all out in tupperware. When you feel hungry throughout the week you dig into your prepared foods and you will be more likely to stay on course than stray with a bowl of pasta or ordering a pizza or "healthy wrap". Oh, and for eggs WITH yolks. Yolks are the healthiest (and most delicious) part and will not raise your cholesterol or make you fat; quite the contrary.

Trust me, try this for 30-days and I'd all but guarantee that you'll look and feel MUCH better...hell, I'll put $50 on it...what do you have to lose (but potentially a lot to gain.) If you've done bloodwork with your doc this week it would be very interesting to see how those levels would compare to a solid month of Paleo.

Got a little lengthy here on the email and don't mean to preach. It's quite a bit to digest and am happy to share more around the "why" for each category if you'd like.



Workout at Crossfit South Arlington

165 4-3

Medley of form for Push Press, Clean and Snatch

Metcon: LYNNE

5 rounds max reps of...
- Bodyweight Bench (200lb)
- Strict Pullups


TOTAL: 25/53




Wednesday, June 1, 2011